Four Ways in Which Live Chat Can Help Your Business

Moon Invoice - Easy Invoicing
5 min readMar 2, 2021


Are your customers coming to your websites but existing without making a purchase? Is your cart abandonment rate too high? Thriving in this digital business world isn’t easy, and companies need to put in extra effort to engage their customers.

Source: Pexels

Here’s where proactive live chat can make a difference.

In this post, we’ll discuss four reasons why businesses should use proactive live chat.

What Is Proactive Live Chat?

Live chats are of two types — proactive and reactive. Let’s talk about reactive live chat first.

A reactive live chat is something that sits quietly on a webpage, waiting for you to click on the chatbox and start a conversation. Behind the reactive chat is an agent, sitting patiently for you to send a message and initiate a chat. Nowadays, many businesses use chatbots in place of human agents.

In proactive chat, however, the agent doesn’t wait for you to initiate a conversation. Instead, she sends you a message, asking if you need any help or providing some useful information.

Source: Reve Chat

Both reactive and proactive chats have their place. Reactive chats work well for websites where visitors need little or no assistance. However, if you sell a product or service that might arouse doubts or queries, deploying a proactive chat can be a beneficial option.

Besides, proactive chat can significantly improve customer engagement. A recent The Chat Shop study showed that the average engagement rate of proactive chat is 7.28% and can go up to 10%.

Reasons Why You Should Use Proactive Live Chat

Sure, proactive live chat increases engagement. It even helps you look modern. But does it have any tangible benefits? Would it add real value to your business?

Let’s discuss four main reasons to use proactive live chat.

1. Get More Signups

Companies have a hard time getting potential customers to sign up for their email newsletters. This makes lead generation a hurdle, which makes doing business difficult.

Proactive live chat resolves this hurdle.

Let’s say you sell a SaaS product, and a potential customer comes to your site to check out what your product does. As the person comes to your website, you can pop the proactive chat window and ask if you can help in any way.

The visitor will likely say that he wants to know more about the product. You can offer the person to send a detailed product guide by email. The prospect will gladly exchange his email address for the valuable information you’ll provide. You can also encourage him to subscribe to your free newsletter and get the latest product updates and discount information.

This way, you’ll be able to increase your email signups and generate leads for your business. Using proactive live chat is a cost-effective lead generation technique that can result in high ROI.

2. Eliminate Language Barriers

If your target audience is global, you can face language barriers. You can have reps with different language proficiencies, but that’ll certainly be an exorbitant affair.

With proactive live chat, you can cater to the requirements of your customers worldwide. All the major live chat solutions come with a built-in translation feature. Before beginning the conversation, you can offer the consumers the option to select the language of their choice.

Now, when your reps send a message in English, it’ll be translated and delivered to the consumers in their native language. Similarly, when they respond in another language, the translation feature will translate the message into English and deliver it to the rep.

Therefore, you can eliminate language barriers and provide a seamless experience to all your customers.

3. Eliminate Prospecting and Customer Support Expenses

No two companies have the same customer support costs. A report from CloudTask showed that setting up an in-house call center can cost up to $260,000 per year. Of course, you can outsource your customer support and outbound prospecting operations, but it’d cost you $10–30 per hour, depending on the service provider.

You can plummet these costs by using proactive live chat. Though call agents have their place, fundamental interactions with website visitors don’t require voice calls. An agent behind a proactive live chat solution can get the job done.

4. Boost Sales

You walk into an apparel store and find an amazing dress. You fall in love with it. But you’re still on the fence, trying to decide whether to purchase it or not. A staff person comes to you and asks if you have any questions. You respond that you’re not sure if you should buy it right now.

In response, the staff person shares a unique benefit of the product and gives you an irresistible offer that you can’t refuse. So, you end up making the purchase.


Proactive live chat helps you do the same. When potential customers visit your site, they’re in a dual state of mind. They want to buy your product, but something is stopping them from taking action. By giving them an amazing offer or an exciting piece of information, you can catalyze their purchase decision.

Bonus: Customers Love Live Chat

There aren’t many people who like to receive cold calls from sales agents. Ask yourselves. How many times have you disconnected the call within five seconds of finding out that a person has called you to sell something?

Source: Reve Chat

But people don’t disapprove of proactive live chat. If they don’t want to engage, they can close the chat window and continue to use the website. If they need some help, they can send in a message and get an instant response. It’s convenient for customers. In fact, an article by Forrester showed that 41% of customers expect to live chat on the company website.


In a nutshell, people want to interact with businesses without dialing phone numbers and get on a call with an agent. They want to get their queries resolved easily and quickly. With proactive live chat, you can turn your website into automated customer support and sales machine. So, implement proactive live chat on your website today.

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